Case Studies

GoVenture products are designed to be highly versatile and flexible. Educators and learners around the world use GoVenture in ways that best suit their individual needs. Read some of our stories below.

“I don’t think I’ve had a single student who didn’t get it since we started using GoVenture CEO ... I can’t imagine another learning experience that would be as good.”

Brenau University, Georgia USA

Coaching to reduce business-startup failure rates

Johnson C Smith University, Charlotte, North Carolina

Better business plans and real-world business results with GoVenture CEO

Johnson C Smith University, Charlotte, North Carolina

“GoVenture is so visual that you can understand it even without English-language skills.” Tarody says he can often predict how well a student will do with business modeling based on their success with the GoVenture simulations.

Corvinus University, Budapest, Hungary

"What's really interesting is the change in conversations.
You think it's a game, but it's not."

Ontario Schools, St. Lawrence College

Inmates develop employment skills using business simulations. “It’s easy to use – even for people who struggle with literacy skills, or whose learning styles vary from the norm.”

State Correctional Institute Camp Hill

“Adult learners enjoy GoVenture because it provides them with a whole new dimension of learning and experience. They can take risks without consequences and gain a better understanding of themselves and their abilities.”

Blue Water Community Business Development Corporation

“The turnaround in student attitudes was almost instantaneous. Suddenly we were all debating the logic of business decisions, and it was the students who were driving the conversation with their questions.”

The Pathways Schools Young Entrepreneurship Program

“The students acquired true entrepreneurship strategies, enriched their math skills, and developed some real insight into public relations and marketing.”

E. Lawson Brown Middle School, Thomasville, NC, USA

"Simulations lend themselves to open-ended,
critical-thinking questions."

Summer-Elective Enrichment Program on Entrepreneurship

“It was pretty realistic in terms of pricing and how businesses work and I learned a lot of new things about owning a small business.”

Mielziner Middle School, PA, USA

“Part of running a business is developing the wisdom to make good decisions.”

North Shore Community College, MA, USA

“So what does [playing a business simulation] have to do with journalism? Everything.”

Kelly Toughill, University of King's College, Halifax, Canada

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“We get students to create their own financial statements using the transactional accounting they generated in the simulation.”

North Central College, Naperville, Illinois


“It’s a fun game, and a good way for students to get turned on. It’s a really good way for me to see the way they make decisions. And it also boosts their self-esteem, especially when they’re successful. It’s a wonderful fit with the rest of the course content. It ties the whole year together.”

Buchholz High School, Gainsville, Florida, USA

GoVenture Hooks High School Students

Chapel Hill High School, Douglasville, Georgia, USA

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"Students like the graphic approach to the topics, and they like the games."

Salem School, Connecticut, USA

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