Technical Help

We want to help you!

Seriously, we absolutely, positively want to help you make the most of our products.  MediaSpark does not use a call center for customer support.  Your questions are handled by the actual team that develops our products.  Most requests are handled within a few minutes or hours, or by the next business day at the latest.  We respond to all requests.

Here's how to get the fastest and most accurate response from us ...

Use our HELP form

This is the best way to get help from us because it allows us to capture the information we need from you and to reply to you during or after regular business hours.  When you submit our HELP form, an email is immediately sent back to you confirming that we have received your request.  If you do not receive this email, check your spam folder.  If you do not see the email, it means we have not received your request, or that your request was received but that we are unable to email you back because of some type of email filter between us.   If this happens, try submitting the HELP form again, and if you still do not get our confirmation email, then call us right away.

Submit our help form

If you do not hear back from us by the next business day, something has gone wrong, so please call us!

Call us if you cannot submit
the HELP form

We are happy to take your call during regular business hours toll-free at 1.800.331.2282.  We will not waste your time waiting on hold, so if you call and get voicemail, please leave a message. Do not just hang up (unless you are going to submit our help form). Voicemail is checked frequently during regular business hours.  Be sure to leave your name, telephone number, email address, product, and description of the problem. Leaving your email address will get you a faster response by email. Speak slowly, clearly, and repeat your telephone number and email address because if we cannot make them out, we cannot get back to you.

Business Hours

Our normal business hours are Mondays to Fridays, 8am to 5pm EDT. But, we do monitor requests that come in after hours.  We try to respond to after-hour requests on the same day when we can, but for sure by the next business day. (Remember that a business day excludes weekends and holidays, but we often respond on those days too).